Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Career and Technical Education or CTE includes training in high-SKILL, high-WAGE, and high-DEMAND jobs across nationally recognized career clusters. At Lubbock ISD, our CTE program includes over 100 high school courses focused on hands-on learning, practical skills, work-based learning experiences and student internships. CTE education supports student success at all grade levels:
Elementary School: Career Awareness
Middle School: Career Planning
High School: Career Training
Data indicates that students in CTE programs are more engaged, graduate at higher rates, earn industry certifications, and get better jobs.
CTE includes everything from highly skilled trade programs like welding, automotive, plumbing, or construction to technical training in computer sciences, marketing, graphic design, engineering/robotics, or healthcare. CTE also includes programs such as law enforcement, audio/video production, animation, culinary arts, agriculture, education, and much more.
If you are looking for a course that teaches the academic and technical skills needed to succeed in YOUR future career, come join us in a CTE course that interests you!
The Lubbock Independent School District offers 13 different career and technical education programs. It is the policy of Lubbock Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age in its employment practices or vocational programs.