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Information for Parents
Senior Parking
Senior parking will continue to be located in the same place as last year, the lot immediately west of the school. If you are interested in purchasing a personal parking space, come see Mr. Harris or Ms. Hart beginning August 2nd. When you come, you will need to bring the attached forms, filled out and signed. The $100 fee will need to be made in two payments, with the first one being $45, and the second one being $55. Once you have paid your fee, you may begin painting your parking space with an image approved by Administration prior to painting. The last day to paint will be on the 13th of August. Any dates outside of August 2rd - 13th will need to be approved by Administration.
Non Senior Parking
If you are interested in purchasing a parking permit, come see Mr. Harris or Ms. Hart, beginning August 8th. When you come to the office, bring the attached forms with you, filled out and signed by the student and parent. You will also need to click on the link below and submit the google form and pay $45 before you receive a permit.